Egemen Kolemen wins American Nuclear Society’s Technical Accomplishment Award

Egemen Kolemen, a staff research physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Princeton University, was awarded the American Nuclear Society's. (ANS) 2024 Technical Accomplishment Award for his research on using machine learning for controlling fusion reactors.

Bravo Dr. Rory Conlin! 👏

Dr. Rory Conlin defended his thesis on "Stellarator optimization" in 2024, demonstrating outstanding proficiency and dedication. His work, which has been a cornerstone of recent lab discussions, will continue as he transitions to a postdoctoral role at the University of Maryland.

Congratulations Dr. Daniel Dudt! 🎓

Dr. Daniel Dudt has successfully defended his thesis on “stellarator optimization” this 2024, marking a significant milestone in his academic journey. His rigorous research and innovative approach have culminated in his next role as a Senior Scientist at Thea Energy.

Using AI to wrangle fusion energy

During a fusion reaction, every millisecond matters.

In the blink of an eye, the unruly, superheated plasma that drives nuclear fusion can escape from its magnetic confinement within the donut-shaped device, or tokamak, designed to contain it. These getaways frequently spell the end of the reaction, posing a core challenge to developing fusion as a non-polluting, virtually limitless energy source.

Leveraging language models for fusion energy research

Since the advent of fusion research, scientists have published thousands of documents on the subject — papers, conference proceedings, and even written logs from previous experiments at fusion reactors around the world. Such a wellspring of information would easily take a lifetime to read, and even longer to comprehend.