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Special Topics


  • "Large-Database Cross-Verification And Validation Of Tokamak Transport Models Using Baselines For Comparison," J. Abbate, E. Fable, B. Grierson, A. Pankin, G. Tardini, and E. Kolemen, Physics of Plasma, April 2024,


  • "Single-Torus-Liquid-Metal-Coil Fusion Device To Obtain All Stellarator And Tokamak Configurations," E. Kolemen, F. Saenz Castro, D. Panici, and R. Majeski, Provisional Patent, October 2024,

Controls and Optimization


  • "Advanced Magnetic Divertor Control," E. Kolemen, Nuclear Fusion, July 2024,

  • "Physics-Based Real-time Analysis and Control to Achieve Transient-Free Operations for the ITER Era," E. Kolemen, Nuclear Fusion, July 2024,

  • "Diag2Diag: Multi Modal Super Resolution For Physics Discovery With Application To Fusion," A. Jalalvand, M. Curie, S.K. Kim, P. Steiner, J. Seo, Q. Hu, A. O. Nelson, and E. Kolemen, Nature (Under Interal Review), June 2024,

  • "Highest Fusion Performance Without Harmful Edge Energy Bursts In Tokamak," S.K. Kim et al., Nature Communications, May 2024,

  • "Stellarator Optimization with Constraints," R. Conlin, P. Kim, D. W. Dudt, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, Journal of Plasma Physics, March 2024,

  • "Optimization of Nonlinear Turbulence in Stellarators," P. Kim, S. Buller, R. Conlin, W. Dorland, D. W. Dudt, R. Gaur, R. Jorge, E. Kolemen, M. Landreman, N. R. Mandell, and D. Panici, Journal of Plasma Physics, February 2024,

  • "Magnetic Fields with General Omnigenity," D. W. Dudt, A. G. Goodman, R. Conlin, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, Journal of Plasma Physics, January 2024,


  • "Lithium Experimental Application Platform (LEAP)," Y. Xu, Y. Momozaki, M. Hvasta, E. Kolemen, and R. Maingi, August 2024,

  • "Optimizing And Enriching Plasma Diagnostics With A Data Centric Approach For Fusion Reactors," A. Jalalvand, S. K. Kim, J. Seo, Q. Hu, M. Curie, P. Steiner, A. O. Nelson, Y. S. Na, and E. Kolemen, August 2024,

  • "Accurate ECH Deposition With Real-time TORBEAM and ECH Mirror Feedback Control," A. Rothstein, K. Erickson, S.K. Kim, A. Bortolon, and E. Kolemen, DIII-D SET Meeting, July 2024,

  • "Stellarator Equilibrium And Optimization With Desc," D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, P. Kim, R. Gaur, Y. Gunsur Elmacioglu, K. Orr, E. Rodriguez, and E. Kolemen, February 2024,

Machine Learning


  • "Full Shot Predictions for the DIII-D Tokamak via Deep Recurrent Networks," I. Char, Y. Chung, J. Abbate, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, April 2024,

  • "Avoiding Fusion Plasma Tearing Instability with Deep Reinforcement Learning," E. Kolemen et al., Nature, February 2024,

  • "Automated Experimental Design of Safe Rampdowns via Probabilistic Machine Learning," V. Mehta, J. Barr, J. Abbate, M. D. Boyer, I. Char, W. Neiswanger, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, Nuclear Fusion, February 2024,

  • "Avoiding Fusion Plasma Tearing Instability with Deep Reinforcement Learning," J. Seo, S. Kim, A. Jalalvand, R. Conlin, A. Rothstein, J. Abbate, K. Erickson, J. Wai, R. Shousha, and E. Kolemen, February 2024,


  • "Ai-Based Prediction And Control Of Tokamaks: Combining Simulations And Experimental Data," J. Abbate et al., Dissertation Defense, March 2024,

  • "Stabilizing Tokamak Plasmas With Ml-Based Feedback Control," A. Rothstein, B. J. Abbate, J. Seo, H. Farre, C. I. Char, R. Shousha, A. Jalalvand, D. S.K. Kim, and E. Kolemen, February 2024,

Liquid Metals


  • "Experiments And Freemhd Simulations Of Free-Surface Liquid Metal Flows," B. Wynne, F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, Z. Sun, C. Hu, K. Hanada, Y. Xu, and E. Kolemen, March 2024,


Machine Learning


  • "Machine Learning-Based Real-Time Kinetic Profile Reconstruction in DIII-D," R. Shousha, J. Seo, K. Erickson, Z. Xing, S. Kim, J. Abbate, and E. Kolemen, December 2023,

  • "Comparison of Machine Learning Systems Trained to Detect Alfvén Eigenmodes Using the CO2 Interferometer on DIII-D," A. V. Garcia, A. Jalalvand, P. Steiner, A. Rothstein, M. Van Zeeland, W. W. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen, Nuclear Fusion, October 2023,

  • "Alfvén Eigenmode Detection Using Long-Short Term Memory Networks and CO2 Interferometer Data on the DIII-D National Fusion Facility," A. V. Garcia, A. Jalalvand, P. Steiner, A. Rothstein, M. Van Zeeland, W. W. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July 2023,

  • "Towards LLMs as Operational Copilots for Fusion Reactors," V. Mehta, J. Abbate, A. M. Wang, A. Rothstein, I. Char, J. Schneider, E. Kolemen, C. Rea, and D. T. Garnier, NeurIPS 2023 AI for Science Workshop, July 2023,

  • "Multimodal Prediction of Tearing Instabilities in a Tokamak," J. Seo, R. Conlin, A. Rothstein, S. Kim, J. Abbate, A. Jalalvand, and E. Kolemen, April 2023,


  • "Automated Experimental Design Of Safe Rampdowns Via Probabilistic Machine Learning," V. Mehta, J. Barr, J. Abbate, I. Char, W. Neiswanger, M. Boyer, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Deep Neural Network Based Real-Time ELM Prediction And Reconstruction Of Turbulent Flow Based On The DIII-D Bes Measurement," S. Joung, D. Smith, B. Geiger, K. Gill, G. McKee, Z. Yan, J. Zimmerman, R. Coffee, F. O'Shea, A. Jalalvand, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Identification Of Alfvén Eigenmodes Using Recurrent Neural Networks, A Labelled Database And Co2 Interferometer Data On DIII-D," A. Garcia et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Physics-Augmented Machine Learning Techniques For Modeling Tokamak Dynamics," J. Abbate et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction Using Machine Learning That Is Robust Against Diagnostics Failures," E. Kolemen et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Real-Time Plasma Confinement Mode Classification With Deep Neural Networks And High-Bandwidth Edge Fluctuation Measurements In DIII-D," K. Gill et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Spatio-Temporal Forecasting Of Plasma Turbulence Using Deep Learning," R. Gaur et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Tearing Mode Avoidance Using Reinforcement Learning And Classical Delta Prime Stability Analysis On DIII-D," A. Rothstein, J. Seo, R. Shousha, A. Jalalvand, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Spatiotemporal Forecasting Of Plasma Turbulence With Deep Learning," R. Gaur, V. Gopakumar, N. Barbour, B. Jang, N. Mandell, I. Abel, W. Dorland, and E. Kolemen, DPP, October 2023

  • "Alfvén Eigenmode Detection Using Long-Short Term Memory Networks And Co2 Interferometer Data On The DIII-D National Fusion Facility," Alvin V. Garcia, A. Jalalvand, P. Steiner, A. Rothstein, M. V. Zeeland, W. W. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), June 2023,

  • "ML-Based Acceleration Of CAKE For Real-Time Kinetic Equilibrium Reconstruction," J. Seo, R. Shousha, and E. Kolemen, DIII-D Friday Science Meeting, January 2023

  • "Towards Llms As Operational Copilots For Fusion Reactors," V. Mehta, J. Abbate, A. Wang, A. Rothstein, I. Char, J. Schneider, E. Kolemen, C. Rea, and D. Garnier, NeurIPS, January 2023

Controls and Optimization


  • "Corrigendum: Integrated RMP-based ELM-crash-control Process for Plasma Performance Enhancement During ELM Crash Suppression in KSTAR," M. Kim et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, November 2023,

  • "Transition in Particle Transport Under Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in a Tokamak," S. K. Kim et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, September 2023,

  • "Integrated RMP-based ELM-crash-control Process for Plasma Performance Enhancement During ELM Crash Suppression in KSTAR," M. Kim, G. Shin, J. Lee, W. H. Ko, H. Han, S.-H. Hahn, S. K. Kim, S. M. Yang, R. Shousha, H. S. Kim, J.-W. Juhn, G. Y. Park, and E. Kolemen, International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, July 2023,

  • "GSPD: An Algorithm for Time-Dependent Tokamak Equilibria Design," J. T. Wai, and E. Kolemen, June 2023,

  • "The DESC Stellarator Code Suite Part 2: Perturbation," R. Conlin, D. W. Dudt, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, Journal of Plasma Physics, April 2023,

  • "The Desc Stellarator Code Suite Part 3: Quasisymmetry Optimization," D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, Journal of Plasma Physics, March 2023,

  • "Offline Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Tokamak Control," I. Char, J. Abbate, L. Bardóczi, M. D. Boyer, Y. Chung, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, V. Mehta, N. Richner, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, 5th Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, January 2023,

  • "Offline Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Tokamak Control," I. Char, J. Abbate, L. Bardóczi, M. D. Boyer, Y. Chung, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, V. Mehta, N. Richner, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, NeurIPS, January 2023,


  • "Near-Axis Constrained Equilibria With The Desc Code," D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, E. Rodriguez, and E. Kolemen, Simons Hidden Symmetries ANU Retreat, December 2023

  • "Generating A Database Of Omnigenous Equilibria With Desc," R. Gaur, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, A. Rothstein, and E. Kolemen, Simons-ANU, December 2023

  • "Omnigenity Optimization," D. Dudt, A. Goodman, R. Conlin, D. Panici, R. Gaur, and E. Kolemen, Simons Retreat, December 2023,

  • "Autoencoding And Noise Reduction Of Plasma Diagnostics In Tokamak," M. Curie, J. Abbate, A. Jalalvand, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Exploring The Database Of Omnigenous Stellarators With Desc," R. Gaur et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Helical Coil Optimization In Desc," D. Panici, R. Conlin, T. Elder, R.Gaur, D. Dudt, T. Shpigel, I. Gissis, N. Snir, Y. Nikulshin, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Highlights Of KSTAR-PPPL Collaborations On 3D Fields, Disruptions, Control, And Impurity Powder Dropper," J. Snipes et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Implementing Data-Driven Models For Real-Time Detection And Control Of Alfvén Eigenmodes At DIII-D," A. Jalalvand et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Integrated Process For Enhancing The Normalized Beta During N = 1 RMP-Driven Elm-Crash-Suppression Phase In KSTAR," K. Minwoo et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Near-Axis Constrained Stellarator Equilibria With Desc," D. Panici, E. Rodriguez, R. Conlin, D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Physics And Engineering Trade-Offs In Stellarator Optimization," T. Shpigel, D. Panici, and and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Stellarator Optimization With Constraints," R. Conlin et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Stellarator Phase Space Exploration With Desc," D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, P. Kim, K. Unalmis, E. Rodriguez, and E. Kolemen, Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting, May 2023

  • "Cross-Verification And Validation Of Tokamak Plasma Evolution Models," Joe Abbate, Emiliano Fable, Alexei Pankin, Giovanni Tardini, and Egemen Kolement, Transport Task Force, May 2023

  • "Desc Suite: Integrated Stellarator Optimization," E. Kolemen, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, P. Kim, K. Unalmis, E. Rodriguez, and A. Jalalvand, Simons NYC Meeting, March 2023

  • "Flexible Equilibrium Constraints With The Desc Code," D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, E. Rodriguez, and E. Kolemen, SPECtaculars Meeting, January 2023

  • "Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control On DIII-D And KSTAR Towards Robust, Performance Optimized Long Pulse ELM Suppression," R. Shousha, S. K. Kim, K. G. Erickson, J. K. Park, S. M. Yang, A. O. Nelson, N. C. Logan, Q. M. Hu, M. W. Kim, G. Shin, S. H. Hahn, C. Paz-Soldan, R. Wilcox, A. Battey, W. H. Ko, G. Y. Park, Y. M. Jeon, J. Abbate, A. Rothstein, and E. Kolemen, PPPL Monthly, January 2023

  • "Offline Model-Based Reinforcement Learning For Tokamak Control," I. Char et al., The 5th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (PMLR), January 2023

Liquid Metals


  • "Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Evaluation of Thrust for Fast-Liquid-Metal-Flow Divertor Systems of Nuclear Fusion Devices," F. Saenz, A. E. Fisher, J. Al-Salami, B. Wynne, Z. Sun, T. Tanaka, T. Kunugi, J. Yagi, K. Kusumi, Y. Wu, G. Yamazaki, C. Hu, K. Hanada, and E. Kolemen, August 2023,

  • "Magnetohydrodynamics in Free Surface Liquid Metal Flow Relevant to Plasma-Facing Components," Z. Sun, J. Al Salami, A. Khodak, F. Saenz, B. Wynne, R. Maingi, K. Hanada, C. H. Hu, and E. Kolemen, June 2023,


  • "Freemhd: Experimental Validation Of A Fully-3D-Non Inductive-MHD Solver For Liquid Metal Flows In Fusion Devices," F. Saenz et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Tungsten Mesh Material Analysis And Assessment Of Droplet Ejection Reduction," D. Vergara et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Numerical Simulation Of Free Surface Liquid Metal Flows Using Freemhd For Nuclear Fusion Applications," B. Wynne et al., APS-DFD, November 2023

  • "Experimental, Numerical And Analytical Evaluation Lorentz-Force Propulsion On Liquid-Metal Channel Flows For Divertor Applications At The NIFS Oroshhi-2 Facility," F. Saenz, A. Fisher, J. Al-Salami, T. Tanaka, T. Kunugi, J. Yagi, K. Kusumi, Y. Go, G. Yamazaki, B. Wynne, C. Hu, K. Hanada, and E. Kolemen, US-Japan and International Workshop on Power and Particle Control in DEMO Fusion Reactor by Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Components, February 2023

Special Topics


  • "The Value of Fusion Energy to a Decarbonized United States Electric Grid," J. A. Schwartz, W. Ricks, E. Kolemen, and J. D. Jenkins, April 2023,

  • "The DESC Stellarator Code Suite. Part 1. Quick and Accurate Equilibria Computations," D. Panici, R. Conlin, D. W. Dudt, K. Unalmis, and E. Kolemen, Journal of Plasma Physics, March 2023,

  • "Impact of CH4 Addition on the Electron Properties and Electric Field Dynamics in a AR Nanosecond-Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge," T. Y. Chen, X. Mao, H. Zhong, Y. Lin, N. Liu, B. M. Goldberg, Y. Ju, and E. Kolemen, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, January 2023,


  • "Valuing Shorter Maintenance Cycles And Operational Flexibility For Fusion Plants," J. Schwartz et al., APS-DPP, November 2023

  • "Detecting ELM Originated By Sawtooth At DIII-D," M. Kim, R. Shousha, A. Jalalvand, S. Kim, M. Curie, and E. Kolemen, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 2023,

  • "Helical Coil Design In Desc," D. Panici, R. Conlin, T. Elder, R. Gaur, D. Dudt, T. Shpigel, I. Gissis, N. Snir, Y. Nikulshin, and E. Kolemen, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, January 2023,


Controls and Optimization


  • "A General Infrastructure for Data-Driven Control Design and Implementation in Tokamaks," J. Abbate, R. Conlin, R. Shousha, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, Journal of Plasma Physics, October 2022,

  • "Nonlinear MHD Modeling of n=1 RMP-Induced Pedestal Transport and Mode Coupling Effects on ELMSuppression in KSTAR," S. K. Kim et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, September 2022,

  • "Neural Net Modeling of Equilibria in NSTX-U," J. T. Wai, M. D. Boyer, and E. Kolemen, July 2022,

  • "Design and Experimental Demonstration of Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Controller Toward Complete Long Pulse ELM Suppression on KSTAR," R. Shousha, S. K. Kim, K. G. Erickson, S. H. Hahn, A. O. Nelson, S. M. Yang, J.-K. Park, J. Wai, Y. M. Jeon, J. H. Lee, J. Jang, D. Seo, and E. Kolemen, March 2022,

  • "Optimization of 3D Controlled ELM-Free State With Recovered Global Confinement for KSTAR With n=1 Resonant Magnetic Field Perturbation," S. K. Kim et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, January 2022,


  • "3D-MHD Liquid-Metal-Flow Simulations And Experiments In Oroshhi-2/NIFS And LMX-U/PPPL For Divertor Applications," F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, Al-Salami, and E. Kolemen, ISLA-7, December 2022

  • "Nonlinear MHD Modeling Of N=1 RMP Effect On The Pedestal In KSTAR," S.K. Kim, S. Pamela, N. Logan, Y.-S. Na, C. Y. Lee, J.-K. Park, S. Yang, Q. Hu, M. Becoulet, G. Huisjmans, M. Hoelzl, Y. In, M. Kim, H.H.Lee, J. Lee, O. Kwon, and E. Kolemen, ITPA-PEP meeting, October 2022

  • "Feedforward + Feedback Shape Control Design On NSTX-U," J. Wai, M.D. Boyer, W. Wehner, A.S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Optimizing Stellarators For Better Equilibria Through The Addition Of Physics Objectives To Desc," K.E. Unalmis, D.W. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, P. Kim, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Constrained And Turbulence Optimization For Stellarators In Desc," P. Kim, R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Free Boundary Stellarator Equilibria And Coil Optimization In Desc," R. Conlin, J. Schiling, D. Dudt, D. Panici, P. Kim, K.E. Unalmis, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Improved Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction With Kinetic Constraints On DIII-D And Nstx-U," R. Shousha, J.R. Ferron, Z.A. Xing, A.O. Nelson, K.G. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control: ELM Suppressed High Performance Fusion Scenarios Achieved With Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control," R. Shousha, S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, W.H. Ko, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, N.C. Logan, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, October 2022

  • "Nonlinear MHD Modeling On RMP-Induced Pump-Out Under The KSTAR Geometry," S.K. Kim, N. Logan, M. Becoulet, M. Hoelzl, Q. Hu, G. Huijsmans, S. Pamela, Q. Yu, S.M. Yang, E. Kolemen, J.-K. Park, and JOREK Team, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Adaptive ELM Control Using RMP And Its Application To Integrated Long-Pulse Elm-Free Scenarios," S.K. Kim, R. Shousha, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, N. Logan, S.H. Hahn, Q. Hu, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, W.H. Ko, and E. Kolemen, MHD Workshop, October 2022

  • "Alfvénnet: Data-Driven Prediction And Control Of Alfvén Eigenmodes At DIII-D," A. Jalalvand, R. Kube, M. Boyer, A.V. Garcia, M.E. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, W.W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen, and DIII-D Team, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Minimal Poincare Boundary Condition For 3D MHD Equilibria," D. Panici, D.W. Dudt, R. Conlin, K. Unalmis, P. Kim, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Tokamak Prediction And Control," J. Abbate, R. Conlin, A. Jalalvand, R. Shousha, I. Char, Y. Chung, V. Mehta, E. Fable, G. Tardini, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Nonlinear MHD Modeling On RMP-Induced Pump-Out In KSTAR With Realistic Tokamak Geometry," S.K. Kim, N. Logan, M. Becoulet, M. Hoelzl, Q. Hu, G. Huijsmans, S. Pamela, Q. Yu, S.M. Yang, E. Kolemen, J.-K. Park, and JOREK Team, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, October 2022

  • "Efficient Stellarator Optimization And Analysis With Desc," D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, P. Kim, K. Unalmis, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, October 2022,

  • "Feedforward+Feedback Shape Control Design On Nstx-U," J. Wai, M. D. Boyer, W. Wehner, A. S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, October 2022,

  • "Adaptive ELM Control And Its Application To Integrated Long-Pulse RMP Scenarios In KSTAR," S.K. Kim, R. Shousha, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M. Kim, G. Shin, N. Logan, S.H. Hahn, Q. Hu, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, W.H. Ko, and E. Kolemen, iFPC, August 2022

  • "ELM Suppressed High Performance Fusion Scenarios Achieved With Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control," R. Shousha, S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, N.C. Logan, and E. Kolemen, iFPC, August 2022

  • "Quick And Accurate 3D MHD Equilibria With Desc," D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen, Conference on Computational Physics 2022, Virtual, August 2022

  • "Stellarator Optimization With Desc," R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, Conference on Computational Physics 2022, Virtual, August 2022

  • "Data-Based Control," E. Kolemen, ITER Summer School on Plasma Operating Scenarios and Control, San Diego CA, July 2022

  • "Introduction To Stellarator Optimization With Mercier Stability Objective," K. Unalmis, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, and and E. Kolemen, Princeton Univeristy Summer Research Colloquium, July 2022

  • "Overview Of The Desc Stellarator Optimization Code," D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, CIEMAT Presentation, June 2022

  • "Comparison Of The Desc And Vmec 3D Equilibrium Codes," D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen, PPPL Stellarator Seminar, January 2022

Special Topics


  • "Gyrokinetic Analysis of Inter-Edge Localized Mode Transport Mechanisms in a DIII-D Pedestal," M. R. Halfmoon et al., Physics of Plasmas, November 2022,

  • "Simultaneous Single Shot Rotation-Vibration Non-equilibrium Hermometry Using Pure Rotational fs/ps Cars Coherence Beating," T. Y. Chen, N. Liu, C. J. Kliewer, A. Dogariu, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, Optics Letters, September 2022,

  • "To Dee or Not to Dee: Costs and Benefits of Altering the Triangularity of a Steady-State DEMO-Like Reactor," J. A. Schwartz, A. O. Nelson, and E. Kolemen, May 2022,

  • "DIII-D Research Advancing the Physics Basis for Optimizing the Tokamak Approach to Fusion Energy," M. E. Fenstermacher, and et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, April 2022,

  • "NSTX-U Theory, Modeling and Analysis Results," W. Guttenfelder et al., Nuclear Fusion, March 2022,


  • "Startup Scenario Development For SPARC," J.T. Wai, D.J. Battaglia, A.J. Creely, D. Garnier, T. Looby, A.O. Nelson, M. Lagieski, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "The Value Of Fusion Energy To A Decarbonized Us Electric Grid," J. Schwartz, W. Ricks, E. Kolemen, and J. Jenkins, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "The Value Of Fusion Energy To A Decarbonized Us Electric Grid," J. Schwartz, W. Ricks, E. Kolemen, and J. Jenkins, PPPL Monthly Research Meeting, October 2022

Machine Learning


  • "Exploring Data-driven Models for Spatiotemporally Local Classification of Alfven Eigenmodes," A. A. Kaptanoglu et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, August 2022,

  • "Real-Time and Adaptive Reservoir Computing With Application to Profile Prediction in Fusion Plasma," A. Jalalvand, J. Abbate, R. Conlin, G. Verdoolaege, and E. Kolemen, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, June 2022,


  • "Multi-Diagnostic Classification Of Alfvén Eigenmodes Using Multimodal Machine Learning," A. Rothstein, A. Jalalvand, A.V. Garcia, M.E. Austin, W.W. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "Tokamak Operation Design And Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning," J. Seo, A. Jalalvand, R. Conlin, A. Rothstein, J. Abbate, B. Kim, C.Y. Lee, M.S. Park, S.J. Park, Y.H. Lee, Y.-S. Na, and E. Kolemen, MHD Workshop, October 2022

  • "Classifying And Locating Alfvén Eigenmodes Based On Ece Diagnostics At DIII-D Using Neural Networks," A. Jalalvand, A. A. Kaptanoglu, A. V. Garcia, A. O. Nelson, J. Abbate, M. E. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, S. L. Brunton, W. W. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen, 32nd SOFT Conference, September 2022

  • "Comparison Of Real-Time Efit Vs Neural Net Based Reconstruction," J.T. Wai, M.D. Boyer, and E. Kolemen, DIII-D Friday Science & Engineering Technology (FSET) meeting, May 2022

  • "Neural Net Modeling Of Equilibria In Nstx-U," J.T. Wai, M.D. Boyer, and E. Kolemen, PPPL Monthly Science Meeting, April 2022

Liquid Metals


  • "Divertorlets Concept for Low-Recycling Fusion Reactor Divertor: Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Verification," F. Saenz, Z. Sun, A. E. Fisher, B. Wynne, and E. Kolemen, June 2022,

  • "Liquid Metal Flow Controls at Liquid Metal Experiment," M. Modestov, E. Kolemen, E. P. Gilson, J. A. Hinojosa, H. Ji, T. Kunugi, and R. Majeski, March 2022,


  • "Low-Recycling Liquid-Metal ‘Divertorlets’ Concept For Heat Exhaust In Divertors Of Fusion Reactors," F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, Al-Salami, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "In Situ Tritium Separation And Hydrogen Isotope Pumping For Liquid Metal Divertor Applications," B. Wynne, F. Saenz, Z. Sun, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP, October 2022

  • "MHD Liquid-Metal-Flow Experiments And Simulations For Nuclear Fusion Applications," F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, A. Khodak, S. Smolentsev, and E. Kolemen, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, October 2022

  • "Lorentz Force Propulsion On Free Surface Liquid Metal Channel Flow," F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, A.E. Fisher, B. Wynne, and E. Kolemen, 32nd SOFT Conference, September 2022

  • "Liquid Metal Divertorlets Concept: Experiments, Simulations, And Projections," F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, and E. Kolemen, Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) ANS meeting, June 2022

  • "LMX-U Studies: Model Validation And Development Of The Divertorlets Concept," E. Kolemen, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, F. Saenz, and J. Al-Salami, The 2nd US-Japan Workshop (virtual), March 2022


Special Topics


  • "Rotation-Vibration Non-equilibrium Measurement Using Pure Rotational fs/ps Cars Coherence Beating," T. Y. Chen, N. Liu, A. Dogariu, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, Proceedings of the AIAA SciTech Forum, December 2021,

  • "Time-Dependent Experimental Identification of Inter-ELM Microtearing Modes in the Tokamak Edge on DIII-D," A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, D. Smith, Z. A. Xing, R. Shousha, and E. Kolemen, Nuclear Fusion, October 2021,

  • "Perturbative Determination of Plasma Microinstabilities in Tokamaks," A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, Z. A. Xing, D. R. Smith, and E. Kolemen, Physics of Plasmas, February 2021,

  • "Spatially and Time-Resolved fs-ps Cars Measurements of Rotation-Vibration Non-equilibrium in a CH4-N2 Nanosecond-Pulsed Discharge," T. Y. Chen, B. M. Goldberg, C. J. Kliewer, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2021,

  • "Time and Frequency-Domain fs/ps Cars Measurements and Modelling of the CH4 V1 Vibrational Q-Branch," T. Y. Chen, B. M. Goldberg, E. Kolemen, Y. Ju, and C. J. Kliewer, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2021,


  • "Investigating ELM Pacing by Vertical Oscillations on DIII-D," D. Panici, A. O. Nelson, F. Laggner, and E. Kolemen, APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, November 2021,

  • "NSTX-U Feedforward Shape Control and Neural Net Dynamics Modeling," J. Wai, M. D. Boyer, and E. Kolemen, November 2021,

  • "Investigating ELM Pacing By Vertical Oscillations On DIII-D," D. Panici, A. O. Nelson, F. Laggner, and E. Kolemen, APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, November 2021,

  • "Nstx-U Feedforward Shape Control And Neural Net Dynamics Modeling," J. Wai, M. D. Boyer, and E. Kolemen, November 2021,

  • "Single Shot Burst Imaging of Electric Fields Measured by Split Excitation Electric Field Induced Second Harmonic Generation (SEE-FISH)," T. Y. Chen, B. M. Goldberg, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2021,

  • "Spatially and Temporally Resolved fs/ps Cars Measurements of Rotation-Vibration Non-equilibrium in a CH4-N2 Nanosecond-Pulsed Discharge," T. Y. Chen, B. M. Goldberg, C. J. Kliewer, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2021,

Machine Learning


  • "Alfven Eigenmode Classification Based on ECE Diagnostics at DIII-D Using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks," A. Jalalvand et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, December 2021,

  • "Neural Dynamical Systems: Balancing Structure and Flexibility in Physical Prediction," V. Mehta, I. Char, W. Neiswanger, Y. Chung, A. Nelson, M. D. Boyer, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2021,

  • "Data-Driven Profile Prediction for DIII-D," J. Abbate, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen, Nuclear Fusion, March 2021,

  • "Keras2c, a Library for Converting Keras Neural Networks to Real-Time Compatible C," R. Conlin, K. Erickson, J. Abbate, and E. Kolemen, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, January 2021,


  • "Machine Learning for Real-Time Fusion Plasma Behavior Prediction and Manipulation," E. Kolemen, M. D. Boyer, R. Coffee, J. Schneider, D. R. Smith, A. Jalalvand, R. Conlin, and J. Abbate, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Novel Aggregate Machine Learning And Transport Modeling Profile Predictions," J. A. Abbate, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "New Neural Networks For Plasma Profile Prediction," A. Rothstein, A. Jalalvand, E. Kolemen, and M. Austin, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

Liquid Metals


  • "Progress in a US-based Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Component Design Activity for a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility," R. Maingi et al., Proceedings of the 2021 European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, June 2021,

  • "Mitigation of Scrape-Off Layer Power Flow with Lithium Plasma-Facing Surfaces," R. Majeski, E. Kolemen, M. A. Dorf, T. D. Rognlien, V. A. Soukhanovskii, M. V. Umansky, and B. Garcia-Diaz, Proceedings of the 2021 European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, June 2021,


  • "Progress On The Liquid Metal ‘Divertorlets’ Concept: Experiments And Simulations," Z. Sun, F. Saenz, B. Wynne, and E. Kolemen, SOFE (Virtual), December 2021

  • "Magnetohydrodynamic Effects Of A Gradient Magnetic Field On Liquid Metal Flows," B. R. Wynne, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Progress On The Liquid Metal ‘Divertorlets’ Concept: Experiments And Simulations," F. Saenz, Z. Sun, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

Controls and Optimization


  • "Effect of n=1 RMP-Driven Turbulence on Ion Pedestal and Its Role in Adaptive ELM Control in KSTAR," S. K. Kim, R. Shousha, S. H. Hahn, A. O. Nelson, J. Wai, S. M. Yang, J.-K. Park, Y. In, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, and E. Kolemen, 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, November 2021,

  • "Optimization of 3D Controlled ELM-Free State With Recovered Global Confinement for Tokamak Fusion Plasmas," S. K. Kim et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, July 2021,

  • "Initial Operation of a Real-Time Thomson Scattering Evaluation System on the Large Helical Device," K. C. Hammond et al., Review of Scientific Instruments, June 2021,


  • "Data-Driven Models for Alfvén Eigenmode Classification Based on High Resolution ECE Diagnostics at DIII-D," A. Jalalvand, A. Kaptanoglu, A. V. Garcia, A. O. Nelson, J. A. Abbate, M. E. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, S. L. Brunton, W. H. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Feedback Adaptive ELM Control Towards (ITER) Long Pulse ELM Suppression And Its Application To KSTAR," R. Shousha, S. Kim, K. Erickson, S. Hahn, A. O. Nelson, J. T. Wai, S. Yang, J. K. Park, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Stellarator Optimization With Desc," D. W. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Equilibrium Studies Of The SPARC X-Point Target Divertor," J. T. Wai, M. L. Reinke, A. Q. Kuang, P. Rodriguez-Fernandez, D. T. Garnier, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Improvements To The Desc Code For Finding And Optimizing Stellarator Equilibria," R. Conlin, D. W. Dudt, D. Panici, J. Schilling, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "A Comparison Of Vmec And Desc 3D Equilibrium Codes," D. Panici, D. W. Dudt, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Improved Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction With Kinetic Constraints On DIII-D," R. Shousha, J. R. Ferron, Z. A. Xing, A. O. Nelson, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Feedforward Shape Control And Neural Net Equilibrium Modeling On NSTX-U," J. T. Wai, M. D. Boyer, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021

  • "Optimizing Edge Confinement And Stability Via Adaptive ELM Control Using RMPs," S. K. Kim et al., APS-DPP 2021, November 2021,

  • "Optimization of H-Mode Pedestal by Adaptive ELM Control Using 3D Fields," S. K. Kim, R. Shousha, S. H. Hahn, A. O. Nelson, J. Wai, S. Yang, J.-K. Park, N. Logan, Y. M. Jeon, Y. In, J. H. Lee, Y.-S. Na, and E. Kolemen, AAPPS-DPP (Virtual), September 2021

  • "Updates and Improvements to the DESC Code for Finding and Optimizing Stellarator Equilibria," R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, PPPL Stellarator Seminar, May 2021

  • "DESC: Fast and Flexible Stellarator Equilibrium Optimization," D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen, IPP MHD Topical Group, April 2021

  • "Experimental Identification of Inter-ELM Pedestal MTMs through Edge Current Perturbations," A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, D. R. Smith, R. Shousha, Z. A. Xing, and E. Kolemen, Plenary Talk at TTF, April 2021

  • "On Effect of n=2 RMP to Edge Pedestal in KSTAR with Nonlinear MHD Simulation," S. K. Kim, S. Pamela, M. Becoulet, G. Huijsmans, O. Kown, Y. In, J. H. Lee, M. Kim, S. M. Yang, J.-K. Park, N. Logan, Y.-S. Na, E. Kolemen, and JOREK team, IAEA-FEC (virtual), March 2021


Liquid Metals


  • "Liquid Metal “Divertorlets” Concept for Fusion Reactors," A. E. Fisher, Z. Sun, and E. Kolemen, Nuclear Materials and Energy, December 2020,

  • "A Domestic Program for Liquid Metal Pfc Research in Fusion," D. Andruczyk, R. Maingi, C. Kessel, D. Curreli, E. Kolemen, J. Canik, B. Pint, D. Youchison, and S. Smolentsev, Fusion Science and Technology, October 2020,


  • "Status And Progress Of The Domestic Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Component Design Program," R. Maingi, A. Khodak, E. Kolemen, C. Kessel, J. Jun, J. Lore, B. Pint, D. Youchison, S. Smolentsev, D. Andruczyk, and D. Curreli, Magnetic Fusion Science Meeting, November 2020,

Special Topics


  • "Interpretative SOL Modeling Throughout Multiple ELM," A. O. Nelson, Z. A. Xing, O. Izacard, F. M. Laggner, and E. Kolemen, December 2020,

  • "CAKE: Consistent Automatic Kinetic Equilibrium Reconstruction," Z. A. Xing et al., December 2020,

  • "Time and Space Resolved Diagnostics for Plasma Thermal-Chemical Instability of Fuel Oxidation in Nanosecond Plasma Discharges," A. C. Rousso, B. M. Goldberg, T. Y. Chen, S. Wu, A. Dogariu, R. B. Miles, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, October 2020,

  • "Time-resolved in situ measurements and predictions of plasma-assisted methane reforming in a nanosecond-pulsed discharge," T. Y. Chen, T. S. Taneja, A. C. Rousso, S. Yang, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, September 2020,

  • "1-D Imaging of Rotation-Vibration Non-equilibrium From Pure Rotational Ultrafast Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Scattering," T. Y. Chen, B. M. Goldberg, B. D. Patterson, E. Kolemen, Y. Ju, and C. J. Kliewer, July 2020,

  • "Experimental Evidence of Electron-Cyclotron Current Drive-Based Neoclassical Tearing Mode Suppression Threshold Reduction During Mode Locking on DIII-D," A. O. Nelson, N. C. Logan, W. Choi, E. J. Strait, and E. Kolemen, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, July 2020,

  • "Neural Dynamical Systems," V. Mehta, I. Char, W. Neiswanger, Y. Chung, J. Schneider, A. O. Nelson, M. D. Boyer, and E. Kolemen, ICLR 2020 Integration of Deep Neural Models and Differential Equations Workshop, April 2020,

  • "Setting the H-mode Pedestal Structure: Variations of Particle Source Location Using Gas Puff and Pellet Fueling," A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, R. Groebner, B. A. Grierson, O. Izacard, D. Eldon, M. W. Shafer, A. Leonard, D. Shiraki, A. C. Sontag, and E. Kolemen, Nuclear Fusion, February 2020,

  • "Time-Resolved Measurements of Electric Field, Electron Temperature, and Electron Density in a Nanosecond-Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge," T. Y. Chen, B. M. Goldberg, A. C. Rousso, Y. Ju, and E. Kolemen, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2020,


  • "Infrared Constrained Equilibria and Application to Snowflake Divertor Studies," J. Wai, P. J. Vail, A. O. Nelson, Z. A. Xing, C. Lasnier, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020

  • "Automating Interpretive Edge Transport Modeling on DIII-D with UEDGE," Z. Xing, A. O. Nelson, O. Izacard, M. E. Austin, A. Marinoni, A. Jarvinen, M. Umansky, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020

Controls and Optimization


  • "Developing Physics Basis to Optimize 3D-Edge Long-Pulse Tokamak Scenarios," J.-K. Park, C. Paz-Soldan, H. Frerichs, E. Kolemen, N. C. Logan, S. M. Yang, Q. M. Hu, C. Zhu, T. E. Evans, and O. Schmitz, 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, October 2020,

  • "Self-Consistent Optimization of Neoclassical Toroidal Torque with Anisotropic Perturbed Equilibrium in Tokamaks," J.-K. Park, N. C. Logan, Z. R. Wang, J. E. Menard, A. H. Glasser, A. H. Boozer, E. Kolemen, and Y. In, October 2020,

  • "Control Pathway for an Advanced Divertor on ITER," J. T. Wai, P. J. Vail, and E. Kolemen, August 2020,

  • "Control System Development for the Snowflake Divertor on NSTX–U," P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen, M. D. Boyer, and A. S. Welander, July 2020,

  • "Real-time Pedestal Optimization and ELM Control with 3D Fields and Gas Flows on DIII-D," F. M. Laggner et al., Nuclear Fusion, May 2020,

  • "Adaptive Real-Time Pedestal Control for DIII-D and Prospects for ITER," E. Kolemen et al., IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, March 2020,

  • "An Ideal MHD δW Stability Analysis That Bypasses the Newcomb Equation," A. S. Glasser, E. Kolemen, and A. H. Glasser, Physics of Plasmas, February 2020,

  • "Offline Contextual Bayesian Optimization for Nuclear Fusion," Y. Chung, I. Char, W. Neiswanger, K. Kandasamy, A. O. Nelson, M. D. Boyer, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, NeurIPS, January 2020,


  • "Stellarator Equilibrium Construction Based on a Poincaré Sections Approach," D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, November 2020,

  • "Hyper-dimensional time-series data analysis with reservoir computing networks to predict plasma profiles in tokamak," A. Jalalvand, J. Abbate, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen, and G. Verdoolaege, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020

  • "Experimental Characterization of Turbulent Modes in the DIII-D H-Mode Pedestal," A. O. Nelson, F. Laggner, A. Diallo, Z. Yan, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020

  • "Adaptive ELM Control and Real-Time Feedback MHD Spectroscopy at KSTAR," E. Kolemen, R. Shousha, A. Nelson, N. Logan, and J. Park, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020

  • "Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D," R. Shousha, J. Ferron, Z. Xing, A. O. Nelson, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020

  • "Desc: An Efficient Stellarator Equilibrium Code," D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, November 2020,

  • "Spatially-resolved time-evolution of rotation-vibration non-equilibrium and CH concentration measured by fs/ps CARS in a nanosecond-pulsed pin-to-pin discharge," T. Chen, B. Goldberg, C. Kliewer, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, APS-GEC (virtual), October 2020

Machine Learning


  • "Advancing Fusion With Machine Learning Research Needs Workshop Report," D. Humphreys et al., Journal of Fusion Energy, September 2020,

  • "Machine Learning Control for Disruption and Tearing Mode Avoidance," Y. Fu, D. Eldon, K. Erickson, K. Kleijwegt, L. Lupin-Jimenez, M. D. Boyer, N. Eidietis, N. Barbour, O. Izacard, and E. Kolemen, Physics of Plasmas, February 2020,


  • "Physics And Machine Learning Based Approaches To Stability Analysis And Control On DIII-D," R. Conlin, J. Abbate, K. Erickson, A. S. Glasser, A. Wu, A. Iqtidar, and E. Kolemen, APS-DPP Meeting, November 2020,

  • "Machine Learning for Shot Classification on the DIII-D Tokamak," M. Wolff, J. Abbate, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen, PPPL SULI Program, October 2020


Controls and Optimization


  • "A Scalable Real-Time Framework for Thomson Scattering Analysis: Application to NSTX-U," F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, B. P. LeBlanc, R. Rozenblat, G. Tchilinguirian, and E. Kolemen, Review of Scientific Instruments, April 2019,

  • "Optimization of the Snowflake Divertor for Power and Particle Exhaust on NSTX–U," P. J. Vail, O. Izacard, and E. Kolemen, March 2019,

  • "Design and Simulation of the Snowflake Divertor Control for NSTX–U," P. J. Vail, M. D. Boyer, A. S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, January 2019,


  • "Control of Advanced Divertors — NSTXU, ITER, D3D," J. Wai, P. J. Vail, and E. Kolemen, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019

  • "ECE-based Tearing Mode Suppression and Equilibrium Reconstruction," A. O. Nelson, R. J. La Haye, M. E. Austin, A. S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019

  • "Equilibria Stability Calculations from the Fixed Point of a Map," D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019

  • "Equilibria Stability Calculations from the Fixed Point of a Map," D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019

  • "A Dynamical Systems Interpretation of Ideal MHD Stability with Applications to Fast Robust Calculations and New Physical Insight," R. Conlin, A. S. Glasser, and E. Kolemen, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019

  • "Characterization of pedestal modes through fast vertical oscillations at DIII-D," A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019

  • "Control of Advanced Divertors in NSTX-U and ITER," J. Wai, P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen, and NSTX-U Team, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019

  • "Model Predictive Control of Plasma Profiles at DIII-D," R. Conlin, J. Abbate, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019

  • "Stellarator Equilibrium Construction Based on a Poincaré Sections Approach," D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019

  • "On the role of particle source location in settling the H-mode pedestal structure," A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, O. Izacard, A. C. Sontag, R. Groebner, D. Eldon, B. Grierson, M. W. Shafer, A. Leonard, D. Shiraki, E. Kolemen, and DIII-D Team, HMWS 2019, Shanghai, China, October 2019

  • "3-D MHD Equilibria Construction Based on a Poincaré Sections Approach," D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, ISHW 2019, Madison, WI, September 2019

  • "Plasma Profile Prediction and Control in Tokamaks," J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment E-ffiliates 2019 retreat, Princeton, NJ, June 2019

Machine Learning


  • "Advancing Fusion with Machine Learning Research Needs Workshop," D. Humphreys et al., Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy, May 2019,

  • "Offline Contextual Bayesian Optimization," I. Char, Y. Chung, W. Neiswanger, K. Kandasamy, A. O. Nelson, M. D. Boyer, E. Kolemen, and J. Schneider, NeurIPS, January 2019,


  • "Machine Learning Plasma Profile Prediction for Model-Predictive Control at DIII-D," J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019

  • "Machine learning plasma profile prediction for model-predictive control at DIII-D," J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019

Special Topics


  • "ECE-Based q-Profile Measurement and Concept for Equilibrium Reconstruction," A. O. Nelson, M. E. Austin, and E. Kolemen, Review of Scientific Instruments, September 2019,

  • "Development of Real-Time Software for Thomson Scattering Analysis at NSTX-U," R. Rozenblat, E. Kolemen, F. M. Laggner, C. Freeman, G. Tchilinguirian, P. Sichta, and G. Zimmer, August 2019,

  • "NSTX/NSTX-U Theory, Modeling and Analysis Results," S. M. Kaye et al., Nuclear Fusion, June 2019,

  • "Electron Cyclotron Emission Based q-Profile Measurement and Concept for Equilibrium Reconstruction," A. O. Nelson, M. E. Austin, and E. Kolemen, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, June 2019,

  • "High Fusion Performance in Super H-Mode Experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D," P. B. Snyder et al., June 2019,

  • "Progress in Disruption Prevention for ITER," E. J. Strait et al., June 2019,

  • "Inter-ELM Pedestal Localized Fluctuations in Tokamaks: Summary of Multi-Machine Observations," F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, M. Cavedon, and E. Kolemen, Nuclear Materials and Energy, April 2019,

  • "Simultaneous Detection of Neoclassical Tearing Mode and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Locations Using Electron Cyclotron Emission in DIII-D," A. O. Nelson, R. J. La Haye, M. E. Austin, A. S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, Fusion Engineering and Design, February 2019,

  • "Time-Resolved Electron Temperature and Species Measurements and Predictions of Plasma-Assisted Reforming of Methane," T. Y. Chen, S. Yang, A. C. Rousso, B. M. Goldberg, S. Wu, E. Kolemen, and Y. Ju, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2019,

  • "Advances in Radiated Power Control at DIII-D," D. Eldon et al., Nuclear Materials and Energy, January 2019,

  • "Identification of Multiple Eigenmode Growth Rates in DIII-D and EAST Tokamak Plasmas," Z. R. Wang et al., January 2019,

Liquid Metals


  • "Liquid Metal Diagnostics," M. G. Hvasta, G. Bruhaug, A. E. Fisher, D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, Fusion Science and Technology, August 2019,

  • "Critical Exploration of Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Components in a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility," C. E. Kessel et al., Fusion Science and Technology, April 2019,

  • "Design of the Flowing Liquid Torus (FLIT)," E. Kolemen et al., Nuclear Materials and Energy, April 2019,

  • "Study of Liquid Metal Surface Wave Damping in the Presence of Magnetic Fields and Electrical Currents," A. E. Fisher, M. G. Hvasta, and E. Kolemen, Nuclear Materials and Energy, February 2019,


  • "Experimental Demonstration of Lorentz Force Propulsion on Free-Surface Liquid Metal Channel Flow," A. E. Fisher, T. Tanaka, T. Kunugi, J. Yagi, K. Kusumi, Y. Go, G. Yamazaki, and E. Kolemen, ISLA 2019, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, September 2019

  • "Free-surface liquid metal flow control for PFC applications," A. E. Fisher, and E. Kolemen, Oroshhi-2 Workshop, Toki, Japan, February 2019


Special Topics


  • "Fast and Pervasive Heat Transport Induced by Multiple Locked Modes in DIII-D," Q. Hu, X. Du, Q. Yu, N. C. Logan, E. Kolemen, R. Nazikian, and Z. H. Jiang, Nuclear Fusion, November 2018,

  • "Active Real-Time Control of Alfvén Eigenmodes by Neutral Beam and Electron Cyclotron Heating in the DIII-D Tokamak," W. Hu et al., Nuclear Fusion, September 2018,

  • "The Universality of Inter-ELM Pedestal Fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D Impacting the Edge Profile Structure by Clamping of the Gradients," F. M. Laggner et al., IAEA-CN-258, May 2018,

  • "Developing Physics Basis for the Snowflake Divertor in the DIII-D Tokamak," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., February 2018,

  • "Plasma Boundary Shape Control and Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction on NSTX-U," M. D. Boyer et al., Nuclear Fusion, January 2018,

  • "Nonlinear Modeling of the Effect of Multiple Locked Modes on Heat Transport," Q. M. Hu, X. D. Du, Q. Yu, N. C. Logan, E. Kolemen, and R. Nazikian, 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, January 2018,


  • "Pedestal Fueling Variation In A Closed Divertor Configuration At DIII-D," A. O. Nelson, E. Kolemen, F. M. Laggner, O. Izacard, R. Groebner, D. Eldon, M. W. Shafer, A. Leonard, D. Shiraki, and A. C. Sontag, 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 2018,

  • "Progress in Disruption Prevention for ITER," E. J. Strait et al., October 2018,

  • "The Universality Of Inter-ELM Pedestal Fluctuations In Aug And DIII-D," F. M. Laggner et al., 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 2018,

  • "Climate Engineering Science," E. Kolemen, Invited Speaker, Round table on Climate Engineering and Religion, Princeton, NJ, May 2018

  • "Plasma-Assisted Fuel Reforming of Methane Using Nonequilibrium Excitation," T. Chen, General Examination, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, NJ, January 2018

Controls and Optimization


  • "A Robust Solution for the Resistive MHDToroidal ∆ Matrix in Near Real-Time," A. S. Glasser, and E. Kolemen, Physics of Plasmas, August 2018,

  • "A Riccati Solution for the Ideal MHD Plasma Response With Applications to Real-Time Stability Control," A. S. Glasser, E. Kolemen, and A. H. Glasser, Physics of Plasmas, July 2018,

  • "Initial Development of the DIII–D Snowflake Divertor Control," E. Kolemen et al., Nuclear Fusion, April 2018,


  • "Data-based plasma stability analysis and control," E. Kolemen, Invited Speaker, MHD Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, November 2018

  • "Path to Stable Tokamak Operation: Plasma stability analysis using physics-based and data-based approaches for real-time control," E. Kolemen, Invited Speaker, APS-DPP, Portland, OR, November 2018

  • "Vertical Plasma Oscillations as a Tool to perturb the Pedestal in the DIII-D Tokamak," F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen, A. Diallo, R. J. Groebner, K. Barada, A. Nelson, T. H. Osborne, and DIII-D team, 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, OR, November 2018

  • "Inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations and their parametric (in-)dependencies," F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen, and A. Diallo, 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Princeton, NJ, June 2018

  • "Divertor Heat Flux and Particle Control on NSTX-U via Optimization of Plasma Boundary and Divertor Shape," P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen, and O. Izacard, 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Princeton, NJ, June 2018

Liquid Metals


  • "Experimental Demonstration of Hydraulic Jump Control in Liquid Metal Channel Flow Using Lorentz Force," A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen, and M. G. Hvasta, Physics of Fluids, June 2018,

  • "Calibrationless Rotating Lorentz-Force Flowmeters for Low Flow Rate Applications," M. G. Hvasta, D. Dudt, A. E. Fisher, and E. Kolemen, Measurement Science and Technology, May 2018,

  • "Thermal Mixing Enhancement of Liquid Metal MHD Free-Surface Flow by Optimizing Vortex Generator Arrays," K. Kusumi, T. Kunugi, T. Yokomine, Z. Kawara, S. Nakamura, E. Kolemen, and H. Ji, Fusion Engineering and Design, February 2018,


  • "Effects of Externally Applied Lorentz Force on Liquid Metal Surface Stability," A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen, and M. G. Hvasta, 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Princeton, NJ, June 2018

  • "Calibrationless rotating Lorentz-force flowmeters for low flow rate applications," M. G. Hvasta, D. Dudt, A. E. Fisher, and E. Kolemen, Princeton Innovation Forum, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 2018

Machine Learning


  • "Disruption prediction using machine learning algorithms for DIII-D," Y. Fu et al., Machine Learning in Plasma Physics, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, March 2018

  • "Predicting the Temporal Evolution of Tokamak Plasma Profiles with Deep Learning," J. Butt, and E. Kolemen, PPPL SULI Program, January 2018


Liquid Metals


  • "Demonstrating Electromagnetic Control of Free-Surface, Liquid-Metal Flows Relevant to Fusion Reactors," M. G. Hvasta, E. Kolemen, A. E. Fisher, and H. Ji, Nuclear Fusion, November 2017,

  • "Electromagnetic Control of Heat Transport within a Rectangular Channel Filled with Flowing Liquid Metal," M. Modestov, E. Kolemen, A. E. Fisher, and M. G. Hvasta, Nuclear Fusion, November 2017,

  • "Experimental Calibration Procedures for Rotating Lorentz-Force Flowmeters," M. G. Hvasta, N. T. Slighton, E. Kolemen, and A. E. Fisher, Measurement Science and Technology, July 2017,

  • "Fast Liquid Metal Program for Fusion Reactor Divertor," E. Kolemen, White Paper, June 2017,

  • "Study on Thermal Mixing of MHD Liquid Metal Free-Surface Film Flow," K. Kusumi, T. Kunugi, T. Yokomine, Z. Kawara, E. Kolemen, H. Ji, and E. P. Gilson, Fusion Science and Technology, June 2017,

  • "Application of IR Imaging for Free-Surface Velocity Measurement in Liquid-Metal Systems," M. G. Hvasta, E. Kolemen, and A. Fisher, Review of Scientific Instruments, January 2017,


  • "FLIT: Flowing Liquid Metal Torus," E. Kolemen et al., IAEA Divertor Workshop, November 2017,

  • "Effects of Externally Applied Lorentz Force on Liquid Metal Flow," A. E. Fisher et al., 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017

  • "Development of a Non-Contact, Inductive Depth Sensor for Free-Surface, Liquid-Metal," G. Bruhaug, E. Kolemen, A. E. Fisher, and M. Hvasta, PPPL SULI Program, January 2017

Controls and Optimization


  • "Fast Numerical Solution of the Plasma Response Matrix for Real-time Ideal MHD Control," A. Glasser, E. Kolemen, and A. H. Glasser, Physics of Plasmas, March 2017,

  • "Improvements in the Fast Vertical Control Systems in KSTAR, EAST, NSTX and NSTX-U," D. Mueller, N. W. Eidietis, D. A. Gates, S. Gerhardt, S. H. Hahn, E. Kolemen, J. Menard, S. W. Yoon, and B. J. Xiao, Plasma Overall Performance and Control, March 2017,

  • "Simultaneous Feedback Control of Plasma Rotation and Stored Energy on NSTX-U Using Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity and Neutral Beam Injection," I. R. Goumiri, C. W. Rowley, S. A. Sabbagh, D. A. Gates, M. D. Boyer, S. P. Gerhardt, E. Kolemen, and J. E. Menard, Physics of Plasmas, February 2017,


  • "The real time multi point Thomson scattering diagnostic at NSTX-U," F. M. Laggner et al., 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017

  • "Plasma Stability Analysis Using Consistent Automatic Kinetic Equilibrium Reconstruction (CAKE)," M. A. Roelofs et al., 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017

  • "Advanced Plasma Shape Control to Enable High-Performance Divertor Operation on NSTX-U," P. J. Vail et al., 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017

Special Topics


  • "Advances in the Steady-State Hybrid Regime in DIII-D—A Fully Non-Inductive, ELM-Suppressed Scenario for ITER," C. C. Petty et al., August 2017,

  • "Overview of NSTX Upgrade Initial Results and Modelling Highlights," J. E. Menard et al., Nuclear Fusion, June 2017,

  • "Controlling Marginally Detached Divertor Plasmas," D. Eldon et al., Nuclear Fusion, May 2017,

  • "Real-Time Stability Analysis to Achieve Transient Free Operations with Feedback Control," E. Kolemen, Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) Report, May 2017,

  • "Modeling of Lithium Granule Injection in NSTX Using M3D-C1," A. Fil, E. Kolemen, A. Bortolon, N. Ferraro, S. Jardin, P. B. Parks, R. Lunsford, and R. Maingi, Nuclear Materials and Energy, April 2017,


  • "Investigating Methods of Surface Wave Reconstruction," D. Patel, D. Patel, A. Fisher, and E. Kolemen, PPPL SULI Program, January 2017

Machine Learning


  • "Machine Learning Prediction of High-Current Disruptions with Low-Current Training Data," N. Barbour, K. Kleijwegt, L. Lupin-Jimenez, and E. Kolemen, PPPL SULI Program, January 2017


Controls and Optimization


  • "Modeling and Control of Plasma Rotation for NSTX Using Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity and Neutral Beam Injection," I. R. Goumiri, C. W. Rowley, S. A. Sabbagh, D. A. Gates, S. P. Gerhardt, M. D. Boyer, R. Andre, E. Kolemen, and K. Taira, Nuclear Fusion, February 2016,


  • "Transient-Free Operations With Physics-Based Real-Time Analysis And Control," E. Kolemen et al., APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, November 2016,

  • "Development Of The Nstx-U Advanced Divertor Control," P. Vail, and E. Kolemen, November 2016,

Special Topics


  • "The Role of Drifts and Radiating Species in EX-D Detached Divertor Operation at DIII-D," A. G. McLean et al., 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 2016,

  • "Progress in Snowflake Divertor Research in DIII-D, NSTX, and NSTX-U," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., October 2016,

  • "Developing and Validating Advanced Divertor Solutions on DIII-D for Next-Step Fusion Devices," H. Y. Guo et al., Nuclear Fusion, September 2016,

  • "Snowflake Divertor Configuration Effects on Pedestal Stability and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX and DIII-D Tokamaks," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., September 2016,

  • "Nonlinear 3D M3D-C1 Simulations of Tokamak Plasmas Crossing a MHD Linear Stability Boundary," S. Jardin et al., Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, January 2016,

Liquid Metals


  • "Study on Thermal Mixing of Liquid-Metal Free-Surface Flow by Obstacles Installed at the Bottom of a Channel," K. Kusumi, T. Kunugi, T. Yokomine, Z. Kawara, J. A. Hinojosa, E. Kolemen, H. Ji, and E. Gilson, Fusion Engineering and Design, January 2016,


Special Topics


  • "Evolution of E×B Shear and Coherent Fluctuations Prior to Hl Transitions in DIII-D and Control Strategies for Hl Transitions," D. Eldon et al., Physics of Plasmas, November 2015,

  • "Impact of Central ECCD on Steady-State Hybrid Scenario in DIII-D," C. C. Petty, R. Nazikian, M. A. Van Zeeland, D. C. Pace, B. A. Grierson, X. Chen, E. Kolemen, G. R. McKee, R. Prater, and F. Turco, October 2015,

  • "Performance History and Upgrades for the DIII-D Gyrotron Complex," J. Lohr et al., EPJ Web of Conferences, July 2015,

  • "High Internal Inductance for Steady-State Operation in ITER and a Reactor," J. R. Ferron, C. T. Holcomb, T. C. Luce, J. M. Park, E. Kolemen, R. J. La Haye, W. M. Solomon, and F. Turco, Nuclear Fusion, June 2015,

  • "Developing Snowflake Divertor Physics Basis in the DIII-D, NSTX and NSTX-U Tokamaks Aimed at the Divertor Power Exhaust Solution," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., June 2015,

  • "Investigation of Peeling-Ballooning Stability Prior to Transient Outbursts Accompanying Transitions Out of H-Mode in DIII-D," D. Eldon et al., Physics of Plasmas, May 2015,

  • "Control of Plasma Stored Energy for Burn Control Using DIII-D In-Vessel Coils," R. J. Hawryluk et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, April 2015,

  • "Taming the Plasma–Material Interface with the ‘Snowflake’ Divertor in NSTX," V. A. Soukhanovskii, D. D. Ryutov, and X. Xu, April 2015,

  • "An Overview of Recent Physics Results from NSTX," S. M. Kaye et al., International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion, March 2015,

  • "Novel Aspects of Plasma Control in ITER," D. Humphreys et al., Physics of Plasmas, February 2015,

Controls and Optimization


  • "First-principles-driven Model-based Optimal Control of the Current Profile in NSTX-U," Z. O. Ilhan, W. Wehner, J. Barton, E. Schuster, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, and J. Menard, 2015 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), September 2015,

  • "Development of Robust and Multi-Mode Control of Tearing in DIII-D," A. S. Welander, R. J. La Haye, D. A. Humphreys, E. Kolemen, and F. Volpe, June 2015,


  • "Modeling And Control Of Plasma Rotation For Nstx Using Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity (Ntv) And Neutral Beam Injection (Nbi)," I. R. Goumiri, C. W. Rowley, S. A. Sabbagh, D. A. Gates, S. P. Gerhardt, E. Kolemen, and K. Taira, APS DPP, January 2015,


Special Topics


  • "Heat Flux Management via Advanced Magnetic Divertor Configurations and Divertor Detachment," E. Kolemen et al., Journal of Nuclear Materials, December 2014,

  • "Radiative Snowflake Divertor Studies in DIII-D," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., December 2014,

  • "Application of the Radiating Divertor Approach to Innovative Tokamak Divertor Concepts," T. W. Petrie et al., November 2014,

  • "Snowflake Divertor Configuration Studies in DIII-D Tokamak," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., October 2014,

  • "Applying the Radiating Divertor Approach to Innovative Tokamak Divertor Concepts," T. W. Petrie et al., September 2014,

  • "Developing Physics Basis for the Radiative Snowflake Divertor at DIII-D," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., September 2014,

  • "Performance and Upgrades for the Electron Cyclotron Heating System on DIII-D," M. Cengher, J. Lohr, Y. A. Gorelov, R. Ellis, E. Kolemen, D. Ponce, S. Noraky, and C. P. Moeller, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, July 2014,

  • "Array Magnetics Modal Analysis for the DIII-D Tokamak Based on Localized Time-Series Modelling," K. E. J. Olofsson, J. M. Hanson, D. Shiraki, F. A. Volpe, D. A. Humphreys, R. J. La Haye, M. J. Lanctot, E. J. Strait, A. S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, July 2014,

Controls and Optimization


  • "Burning Plasma Relevant Control Development: Advanced Magnetic Divertor Configurations, Divertor Detachment and Burn Control," E. Kolemen et al., Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) Report, September 2014,

  • "State-of-the-Art Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control in DIII-D Using Real-Time Steerable Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Launchers," E. Kolemen et al., Nuclear Fusion, May 2014,

  • "Designing, Constructing, and Using Plasma Control System Algorithms on DIII-D," A. Hyatt et al., IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, March 2014,

  • "Progress and Improvement of KSTAR Plasma Control Using Model-Based Control Simulators," S. H. Hahn et al., Fusion Engineering and Design, January 2014,


Controls and Optimization


  • "Physics-based Control-oriented Modeling of the Current Profile Evolution in NSTX-Upgrade," Z. Ilhan, J. Barton, W. Shi, E. Schuster, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, E. Kolemen, and J. Menard, 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 2013,

  • "Advanced Control of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in DIII-D with Real-Time Steering of the Electron Cyclotron Current Drive," A. S. Welander et al., November 2013,

  • "Latest Advancements in DIII-D Plasma Control Software and Hardware," B. G. Penaflor, J. R. Ferron, A. W. Hyatt, M. L. Walker, R. D. Johnson, D. A. Piglowski, E. Kolemen, A. S. Welander, and M. J. Lanctot, April 2013,

  • "Real-time Mirror Steering for Improved Closed Loop Neoclassical Tearing Mode Suppression by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in DIII-D," E. Kolemen et al., Fusion Engineering and Design, March 2013,


  • "Physics-Based Control-Oriented Modeling Of The Current Profile Evolution In Nstx-Upgrade," Z. Ilhan, J. Barton, W. Shi, E. Schuster, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, E. Kolemen, and J. Menard, 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 2013,

  • "Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control By Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Using Dynamic Alignment To Access Higher Performance," E. Kolemen, A. S. Welander, R. J. La Haye, N. W. Eidietis, D. A. Humphreys, J. Lohr, V. Noraky, B. G. Penaflor, R. Prater, and F. Turco, IEEE-RF, June 2013,

Special Topics


  • "An Overview of KSTAR Results," J.-G. Kwak et al., Nuclear Fusion, September 2013,

  • "Overview of Physics Results from the Conclusive Operation of the National Spherical Torus Experiment," S. A. Sabbagh et al., September 2013,

  • "Snowflake Divertor Studies in DIII-D and NSTX Aimed at the Power Exhaust Solution for the Tokamak," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., July 2013,

  • "Upgrades and Performance of the Electron Cyclotron Heating System on DIII-D," M. Cengher, J. Lohr, Y. A. Gorelov, R. Ellis, E. Kolemen, D. Ponce, R. Prater, S. Noraky, and C. P. Moeller, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, June 2013,

  • "Enhancements for the DIII-D ECH System," J. Lohr, M. Cengher, Y. A. Gorelov, E. Kolemen, C. P. Moeller, S. Noraky, D. Ponce, R. Prater, and R. A. Ellis, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, June 2013,

  • "Advanced Divertor Configurations with Large Flux Expansion," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., January 2013,


Special Topics


  • "Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation with Impurity-Seeded Standard and Snowflake Divertors in NSTX," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., October 2012,

  • "Snowflake Divertor Configuration Studies in National Spherical Torus Experiment," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., August 2012,

  • "Overview of the Physics and Engineering Design of NSTX Upgrade," J. E. Menard et al., Nuclear Fusion, July 2012,

  • "Performance, Diagnostics, Controls and Plans for the Gyrotron System on the DIII-D Tokamak," J. Lohr et al., EPJ Web of Conferences, April 2012,

  • "Optimization of an Occulter-based Extrasolar-planet-imaging Mission," E. Kolemen, and N. J. Kasdin, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, February 2012,


Controls and Optimization


  • "Plasma Modelling Results and Shape Control Improvements for NSTX," E. Kolemen et al., Nuclear Fusion, November 2011,

  • "Multivariable Model-Based Shape Control for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)," W. Shi, M. Alsarheed, E. Schuster, M. L. Walker, J. Leuer, D. A. Humphreys, and D. A. Gates, April 2011,

Special Topics


  • "Multiple Poincaré Sections Method for Finding the Quasiperiodic Orbits of the Restricted Three-Body Problem," E. Kolemen, N. J. Kasdin, and P. Gurfil, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, September 2011,

  • "Plasma-Material Interface Development for Future Spherical Tokamak-Based Devices in NSTX," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., September 2011,

  • "Overview of Physics Results from NSTX," R. Raman et al., August 2011,

  • "Quasi-Periodic Orbits of the Restricted Three-Body Problem Made Easy," E. Kolemen, N. J. Kasdin, and P. Gurfil, Proceedings of the 62nd International Astronautical Congress, July 2011,

  • "Recent Progress Towards an Advanced Spherical Torus Operating Point in NSTX," S. P. Gerhardt et al., Nuclear Fusion, June 2011,


  • "System Modeling, Validation, And Design Of Shape Controllers For Nstx," M. L. Walker, D. A. Humphreys, N. W. Eidietis, J. A. Leuer, A. S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, November 2011,


Controls and Optimization


  • "Implementation of βN Control in the National Spherical Torus Experiment," S. P. Gerhardt et al., Fusion Science and Technology, December 2010,

  • "Plasma Modeling Results, Control Improvement for NSTX," E. Kolemen, D. A. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, N. J. Kasdin, H. Kugel, D. Mueller, C. Rowley, and V. Soukhanovskii, 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, September 2010,

  • "Strike Point Control for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)," E. Kolemen et al., Nuclear Fusion, September 2010,

Special Topics


  • "Progress in the Development of Advanced Spherical Torus Operating Scenarios in NSTX," S. P. Gerhardt et al., 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 2010,

  • "Synergy Between Lithium Plasma-Facing Component Coatings and the Snowflake Divertor Configuration in NSTX," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., October 2010,

  • "Synergy Between Lithium Plasma-Facing Component Coatings and the Snowflake Divertor Configuration in NSTX," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., September 2010,

  • "“Snowflake” Divertor Configuration in NSTX," V. A. Soukhanovskii et al., August 2010,


Special Topics


  • "Overview of Results From the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)," D. A. Gates, and et al., Nuclear Fusion, September 2009,

  • "Experimental Vertical Stability Studies for ITER Performance and Design Guidance," D. A. Humphreys et al., Nuclear Fusion, September 2009,


Special Topics


  • "Optimal Trajectory Control of an Occulter-Based Planet-Finding Telescope," E. Kolemen, and N. J. Kasdin, Proceedings of the New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications, February 2007,

  • "Linear Stability of Ring Systems," R. J. Vanderbei, and E. Kolemen, February 2007,


Special Topics


  • "Hamilton-Jacobi Modelling of Relative Motion for Formation Flying," E. Kolemen, N. J. Kasdin, and P. Gurfil, New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications, August 2005,

  • "Hamilton–Jacobi Modelling of Stellar Dynamics," P. Gurfil, N. J. Kasdin, and E. Kolemen, Advances in Space Research, June 2005,

  • "Bounded, Periodic Relative Motion Using Canonical Epicyclic Orbital Elements," N. J. Kasdin, and E. Kolemen, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference, March 2005,


Special Topics


  • "Canonical Modelling of Relative Spacecraft Motion via Epicyclic Orbital Elements," N. J. Kasdin, P. Gurfil, and E. Kolemen, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, November 2004,

  • "Relative Spacecraft Motion: A Hamiltonian Approach to Eccentricity Perturbations," E. Kolemen, and N. J. Kasdin, AAS 04-294, January 2004,